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Posts tagged Monthly Meeting

Interview with Ceyda Öner Outgoing IPS Club President

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By Mary Ongwen The HQ1 IMF café was a buzz with conversations. Under the sparkling chandelier reflections Ceyda Öner and I sit down to a chat and the voices in the background faded out. Ceyda is the Deputy Division Chief in the Finance unit of the IMF. She is also the outgoing president of the…

November Recap: Guest Speaker Tanguy De Carbonnières

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Our guest speaker and judge was Tanguy De Carbonnières. Tanguy presented on the subject of “Why?”; Why we select certain objects to fill the frame? Why we want the viewer to have an emotional reaction to the image? He also touched on the importance of camera angle and perspective to influence the viewers perception of…

IPS Monthly Meeting –27 April 2016

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Print Theme: Open Guest Speaker: TBA